Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Law and Economics Cell

So guys it has been 3 months at NLIU, with our trimester officially ending on the 25th, and its been rather eventful. There are so many opportunities, so many things to participate in and so many cells to be a part of, and so little time. One such cell or rather i should say one of these opportunities is the Law & Economics cell.

The LEC, as it is called, is a group of 10 students, 2 from each year who are determined to spread the economic angle to the legal course, as an extra-curricular endeavor inflicted upon those interested. And as I am a part of it, i would like to explain as to how, we the students of 1st year can benefit from the LEC.

The most important activity that the LEC conducts on a regular basis is the Economic forum. The Friday Forum or the Economic forum is a weekly presentation on any topic related to Economics. And obviously, it takes place every Friday, on the 3rd floor of the Gyan Mandir. The presentations are often guided by visual aid such as projectors which are provided to the LEC by the university.

Now a growing misconception in the 1st year students is that only a member of the LEC can hold and deliver a presentation. This however is totally wrong. Any student of the university is free to, and more than welcome to deliver a lecture or presentation at the Friday Forum.

The only role of a 1st year LEC member in this activity is to ensure that everything runs smooth.
Now, the LEC gives us the platform to hone our lecture delivering skills, also provides a rather rigorous test for our researching skills. By delivering a presentation and thereafter addressing the queries of the audience we somewhat overcome stage fright and also improve our oratory skills.

The audience, being an essential in the forum also benefits from the presentation. It's an opportunity for them to get enlightened on a particular topic relating to economics. Topics like global meltdown and the financial crisis, piracy, economic analysis of various industries have been generally addressed in the 1st trimester Friday forums. However students are expected to have a vast knowledge of the topic, as time to time queries and clarifications will be asked for by the audience. This in turn compels the student to do extensive reasearch, which is something one has to do at NLIU, either way. Further, one learns how to handle a knowledge thirsty crowd which might bring the speaker to unimaginable levels of intellectual depth in the topic.
I personally believe that everyone of us, at least in the early trimesters wants to carve a niche for himself or herself in the field of public speaking. The Friday Forum is the perfect platform!

All in all, the Friday forum under the LEC is a glaring example as to how students can make the most out of NLIU.

- Dhruv Varma


  1. gr8 job dhruv...u hav chosen d right platform 4 promoting friday forum n LEC.......

  2. thanx man.... we r looking forward from u...... delivering a presentation....

