Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Endterms are over, take a bow.

Today we wrote the last Endterm paper of the first trimester. Wait, allow me to rephrase that - Today, we wrote the last non-repeat Endterm paper of the first trimester. No one can fault me for not being realistic. :|

Exams are one of the most frequent occurrences at NLIU, courtesy the Trimester system and so we seem to have an exam as soon as we wake up from the prolonged post-exam hibernation that we had to take as a result of the previous one - we ricochet from exam to exam, Midterm to Endterm ad infinitum and get almost zero sleep during. This of course, is because of the close to continuous nocturnal pre-exam activity that takes place on campus (innuendo not intended).

The thing is, the nights before each exam tend to be perhaps the most social nights of the Trimester. (I speak for the Boys Hostel of course and for all I know there is near-constant rigorous and feverish revision in the Girls Hostel. However, something tells me that there shall be uproar and outraged denial by many of my female batch-mates who would undoubtedly be scandalized by my suggestion.)

Revision is a rarity in the Boys Hostel, primarily because the night before the exam is the first time people actually read the material that the professors here so diligently labour on. (Again, such people are also a rarity - not because everyone else has read the material but because barely anyone reads it, even before the exam.) The night before the exam is thus a wondorous journey of discovery and exploration as the braver ones among us unflinchingly dive deep into the depths of the tomes each of us is bequeathed, no doubt in a selfless attempt to salvage knowledge that they shall endow on the rest of us 5 minutes before the commencement of the paper. (Baibhav and Chandan, I'm looking at you.)

The rest of us seem to follow the same looping pattern as we -

  • Read one page
  • Weep in dismay as we count the number of pages left
  • Look at the time remaining till sunrise
  • Plan a timetable that meticulously has us study everything prior to said sunrise
  • Marvel at our own (illusionary) brilliance
  • Reward ourselves a break for said brilliance
  • Exit our rooms and engage in conversation with our immediate neighbours (inquiring about their state of readiness or lack thereof), then our neighbours and also travelers we may bump into on our path
  • Go to the mess
  • Pick up on snatches of conversation when we hear phrases like "....said that the Nuisance cases are definitely going to be asked about" and make mental notes to devote considerable time to the study of said cases as we also try and figure out how to make room for them in our significantly tight but well-conceived time tables.
  • Finally realise that it has been 35 minutes since we last read something
  • Scramble to our rooms and hold the material
  • Read another page in the terror of quiet desperation
  • Lather, Rinse & Repeat

Nonetheless, exams are times when we discover inner strength we never knew we had, especially post-examination when we are told that the 3 page answer we laboured on was completely off point. (The art of pĂ©lna is one that is quickly learnt here.) Exams at this University build moral fibre and strength of character – and they do so with alarming frequency.

Exams teach us so much. We are forever in their debt.

However, following the Viva-Voce exams tomorrow and the day after, we shall have emerged (although not unscathed) battle-weary and tired from our first Trimester. And then we shall rest and recuperate, sharpening our weapons for our next battle - a battle who's inevitability has finally sunk in.

Someday I will also post on the Joy of the Project.

Till next time,
Tally Ho!

- Parnil Urdhwareshe


  1. This post has a stamp of Parnil all over. Even if he hadn't written his name at the end, most of us would have understood that he is the one behind this! :D
    Still, Awesome Work.
    Cheers. :)

  2. that was a super cooooll article...!! u rock parnil..!!
    - Akshata
